Timely Help for Care Givers

Various studies cite that compared with non-caregivers, caregivers are more likely to suffer from diminished immune responses, slower wound healing, higher incidence of hospitalization, higher mortality rate, poorer general health, higher incidence of headaches, gastro-intestinal problems and insomnia, and an increased risk of heart disease. The mental effects are just as detrimental with many suffering from depression and anxiety disorders, increased rates of suicide, and alcohol and other substance abuse.


One of the most disturbing phone calls I have ever received was from a lady who blurted out the following: “I have spent the last 5 years keeping my sister from killing herself. What can you do now to help me from killing myself.


Additionally, caregivers can suffer from anger, irritability, moodiness, social withdrawal, and lack of concentration. It is not uncommon to see caregivers lose jobs and experience economic instability as these symptoms can negatively affect work performance or job prospects.

Recently, studies have shown that emotional stress from caregiving can adversely affect longevity. Care To Caregiver (C2C2) has developed a model to combat many of the negative aspects of caring for a loved one.

There is a system wide gap in providing care for caregivers and not enough resources for either a professional or unpaid caregiver to address their own health and wellness or gain the knowledge to be capable and confident caregivers. 

The model? Here is How It Works – Care to Caregiver

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