Postherpetic Neuralgia Questions you Have….
Answers You Need!

QUESTION: Why should you strive to maintain a healthy immune system?

ANSWER: Your immune system is your body’s primary defense against harmful micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi.

QUESTION: How does your immune system work?

ANSWER: It is a complex system based on various kinds of white blood cells, and the chemicals they produce.

QUESTION: What is the mechanism of action of the immune system?

1) Seek and destroy any substances that it recognizes as foreign.
2) It then learns to recognize these foreign substances, and attacks them on sight when they re-enter the body

QUESTION: What happens when your immune system is compromised?

ANSWER: There is nothing to stop these micro-organisms from

QUESTION: What conditions compromise your immune system?

1) Stress – physical or emotional
2) Age
3) Cancer
4) Chemotherapy
5) Radiation Therapy
6) Transplants – drugs that prevent tissue rejection
7) Diabetes
8) Corticosteroids
9) Leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and other blood diseases.
10) HIV and AIDS

QUESTION: How would you explain the long gap between chicken Pox and the onset of Shingles?

ANSWER: The key here is your immune system. Here’s how it works. After your bout of chicken pox, the virused hide out in the dorsal ganglia, but your immune system keeps them from multiplying out of control. If your immune system is compromised, the viruses
then multiply, travel down the nerves to the skin. and cause shingles.

Next time you will find out how to strengthen your immune system.

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