
Are You Making These 3 Deadly Mistakes
Managing Your Postherpetic Neuralgia Treatment?

Below are three of the deadliest mistakes post herpetic neuralgia sufferers are making, and straight talk on the six things you need to do instead.

Mistake # 1- Being passive rather than active in your approach 

We have been conditioned that the doctor provides instructions and you the patient is expected to follow the instructions. This model is failing you, especially now that you are dealing with chronic pain. Your nutritional, emotional, psychological and social needs are being ignored.

Here’s what to do instead: Here are the two things you must do instead;

  1. Take an active role in determining and managing your postherpetic neuralgia treatment plan.
  2. Take a proactive role onto the path that leads to optimal health and wellness as you gradually work on minimizing your intake of drugs. This path is achieved only by following a comprehensive approach that complements your treatment plan with a wellness plan and includes your body, mind and spirit. This can be done by following a step by step program which you can do with the help of a health coach, or on your own if you prefer.

Mistake # 2 – Taking a single bullet 

The single bullet approach method involves looking for that one magic treatment that is going to make it all right again. This sets you up for frustration and disappointment as no such thing exists. Being the complex problem that postherpetic neuralgia is,  there is no single treatment. No wonder patients and physicians alike who take this ‘single bullet’ approach are at their wits end.

Here’s what to do instead: Complement your postherpetic neuralgia treatment with an approach that includes the following three things:

  1. Microorganisms that may be festering in your damaged nerves must be destroyed
    2. Your weakened immune system must be rebuilt.
    3. Incorporate nutrients into your program that promote the healing of your nerves and their myelin sheath.

Herein lies the only approach that gives you any meaningful hope of successfully managing your postherpetic neuralgia and getting well again.

Mistake # 3 – Not trying to find the underlying  your particular situation 

Conventional medicine treats your PHN neuralgia symptoms, but rarely if ever helps you determine if there are underlying extenuating conditions. These causes, when properly addressed, go a long way in ameliorating and in many cases eliminating your pain.

What to do instead: Seriously consider kinesiology testing as this can help you screen for possible causes of continued nerve deterioration. Kinesiology will help to identify heavy metal toxicity, food sensitivities, microorganisms and electromagnetic frequency sensitivities among other causes. Kinesiology testing may be the most important step you can take in determining the cause of your persisting post-herpetic neuralgia pain.

To find out what else you can do, I now introduce to my book “Post Herpetic Neuralgia… A New Approach to Getting Well Again” Go to www.postherpeticneuralgiabooks.com. You will be glad you did.t 



Did you know that:

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From Boyce N Berkel, MD, PhD – Neuralgia Relief Center – For Your Health and Betterment