Postherpetic Neuralgia Questions you Have….
Answers You Need!

Shingles and its subsequent complication PHN is devastating. I don’t care if you are old or young, rich or poor, it drains you of energy, robs you of sleep and fills you wit a feeling of despair.

In fact, when I first started working with Post Herpetic Neuralgia in 1998, I quickly discovered that feeling of being at their wits end among physicians and patients alike and a feeling of hopelessness among their caregivers.

I therefore developed the following reports that will help you to find out:

1. What Causes Shingles and Post Herpetic Neuralgia?

2. What You Need To Know About The Varicella Virus.

3. The 3 Critical Mistakes You are making Right Now!

4. How A Strong Immune System Helps You Resists The Varicella Virus.

5. How To Strengthen Your Immune System.

6. Nutritional Program for PHN.

7. Chapparal – A Natural Treatment for Herpes.

8. Coping With The Pain of PHN – part 1.

9. Coping With The Pain of PHN – part 2.

10. Here is A Positive Way to Start Your Day

11. Motivational quotes

12. Managing Sleep Problems associated with PHN.

13. Coping With the Depression of Postherpetic Neuralgia.

14. Magnetic Therapy for PHN?

15. Timely Help for Care Givers

16. Complications of shingles

17. Frequently Asked Questions

18.  Emerging Treatments for PHN.

19.  An Excellent Resource for Chronic Pain Sufferers.

20. Post Herpetic Neuralgia “News”… As it Happens!

Did you know that:-

Six out of every ten PHN sufferers who try PainBreak, a new topical analgesic, are getting relief…
Now it’s your turn!

But will PainBreak work for you? There is only one way to find out…

Complete the following “Quality of Life Questionnaire” and I will send you a 30 day supply of Painbreak absolutely “free” and postage paid.

Fill out the Questionnaire NOW! You have nothing to lose but your pain!

Best regards,

Boyce N. Berkel, MD, PhD