Postherpetic Neuralgia Questions you Have….
Answers You Need!

QUESTION: What is a virus, and how does it function?

ANSWER: A virus is a non living organism that invades normal cells and takes over control by directing the genetic machinery of the cell to reproduce the virus.

QUESTION: What is the history of the varicella virus?

ANSWER: There are about 50 related viruses in the herpes family, but only 6 of these infect humans.

QUESTION: What are the six herpes viruses that infect humans, and what problems do they cause?

ANSWER: The best known is Varicella Zoster (that causes chicken pox). When this virus appears later in a persons life, it can cause shingles. The varicella Zoster virus has also been linked to the autoimmune disease called lupus. Other herpes viruses are herpes simplex (which causes fever blisters and cold sores, herpes genitalia, Epstein-Barr virus (which causes infectious mononucleosis. It may also be associated with chronic fatigue syndrome), cytomegalovirus (which causes mental impairment in infants, and may also cause cancer).

QUESTION: How wide spread is the herpes virus?

ANSWER: It is estimated that more than 90% of the population may be infected with one ore more of these viruses.

QUESTION: How do viruses survive in your body?

ANSWER: There are 2 ways in which the varicella zoster virus survives:

  1. They lie dormant for long periods of time and,
  2. They can travel from one cell to another without leaving the internal environment of the cell. Because of this, they are not noticed and destroyed by your immune system.

QUESTION: Once in your cell, how does the virus spread?

ANSWER: The virus takes over the normal functioning of the cell, forcing it to produce more viruses. The invaded cell then bursts, releasing new viruses to invade other cells, and multiply further.

Now you may be wondering, Dr. B. Why bring this up? If you understand the Varicella virus and how it works, you will understand not only the critical importance of developing and maintaining a strong immune system but also the value of taking a comprehensive approach to the whole matter of managing your PHN. Here is where many PHN patients and their physicians are falling short… are you?

The next report will help you find out “3 Critical Mistakes you may be making right now and the 6 things you must do to correct them.

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From Boyce N Berkel, MD, PhD – Neuralgia Relief Center – For Your Health and Betterment