Many people are experiencing immediate, temporary relief, but for others, the relief is more gradual. As you well know, Post Herpetic Neuralgia – PHN pain is especially difficult to treat, and here’s why:

Your nerves have been damaged by the Varicella-Zoster viruses.

The viruses have set up a chronic infection state in your tissues and nerves, preventing complete healing from taking place.

Individual responses to various forms of treatment vary widely.

If you or a loved one is suffering from Post Herpetic Neuralgia – PHN, or post shingle pain I will send you a sample of PainBreak® absolutely FREE!

Did you know that:

Six out of every ten PHN sufferers who try PainBreak, a new topical analgesic,
are getting relief… Now it’s your turn!  

But will PainBreak work for you? There is only one way to find out…

Complete the following “Quality of Life Questionnaire” and I will send you a 30 day supply of Painbreak absolutely “free” and postage paid.

From Boyce N Berkel, MD, PhD – Neuralgia Relief Center – For Your Health and Betterment