Postherpetic Neuralgia Questions you Have….
Answers You Need!

Last time you found out that a realistic attitude of acceptance was the place to start, in order to successfully live with the pain of shingles. You also found out that faith, Hope and love were essential attitudes to develop in this process. This time you will find out about..


Including a period of relaxation in your daily routine, will go a long way in helping you cope with the pain.

QUESTION: What is relaxation?

ANSWER: Relaxation is a self involved process of progressive mental and physical conditioning.

QUESTION: What important benefit can you gain from relaxation?

ANSWER: Genuine relaxation can actually lower your experience of pain. You can attain genuine relaxation, but it takes patience, persistence and constant practice. This may seem at first like a difficult task, but not if you keep it simple.

QUESTION: What three steps should you take to ensure your success?


1. Decide if you are going to make relaxation part of your daily routine.

2. Make a commitment to master the technique of relaxation. Plan on practicing these techniques for a minimum of thirty days. You see, it takes about 30 days to develop a new habit.

3. Schedule a specific time each day when you will do your relaxation exercises. Make this time as close to your routine daily activities as possible.

Again, make the decision! make the commitment! schedule the time! Above all be patient, be persistent, and practice regularly. These are your keys to success. In the long run you will find that your efforts are well worth it, because genuine relaxation can lower your experience of pain.

QUESTION: What 5 techniques should you master in order to reach a state of genuine relaxation?


1. CONTROLLED BREATHING – Since breathing is the key to relaxation, it seems like a logical place to start. Controlled breathing can actually control your emotions, reduce physical tension, and induce mental calm. Many find it to be an “instant tranquilizer.” Always start your daily relaxation routine with controlled breathing exercises, but realize that they can be done anytime, anywhere.

Do the following :

a) Make a special effort to find your position of greatest comfort. This could be sitting or lying down. Loosen your collar if necessary to relieve any constriction around your neck.

b) Now that you are in a comfortable position, let your breathing become rhythmic. Now exhale.

c) Breathe in slowly through your nostrils. Let the air flow directly down to your abdomen. Do this to a count of four.

d) Now, hold your breath without tension or stress, to a count of four. Then slowly exhale through your mouth, while counting backward from four to one, and hold it to a count of four.

e) Repeat this cycle 3 to 5 times. Stop and relax anytime if you feel a little dizzy.

Spend some time working on this, until you feel you have mastered the technique of breathing slowly, deeply and easily from your abdomen.

2. PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION – use caution here, as tensing your muscles, particularly in the affected area, may trigger an attack of pain. Should you decide to proceed, here’s what you do:-

a) Tense the muscles of your feet, legs and thighs to a count of four. Now relax to a count of four. Next tense the muscles of your abdomen and back to a count of four. Now relax to a count of four. Then tense the muscles of your neck, shoulders and arms to a count of four. Then relax to a count of four. Finally tense the muscles of your face and head to a count of four, and relax to a count of four. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly throughout the exercise.

b) Now reverse the series of tension/relaxation exercise from head to foot. Repeat the entire process two more times.

c) Now that you have completed the series, with all your muscles relaxed, just feel yourself sinking into, and becoming one, with whatever you are sitting or lying on.

NOTE: If tensing your muscles as described above might trigger the pain, try doing the following variation Mentally concentrate on each muscle group mentioned above, and allow them to relax. At the same time imagine the sensation of warmth and heaviness in that muscle group. Complete the exercise with step “c” above.

3. GUIDED IMAGERY – is the technique to distract your attention from your unpleasant situation of pain, to a relaxing agreeable environment.

a) While in a state of total relaxation from step 2 above, picture yourself on the beach (or any other calm and restful place)). Feel the warm sand between your toes, and the warm sun above. Feel the cool breeze across your cheek, and enjoy a whiff of the salty air. Hear the seagulls cry overhead, and the gentle lapping of the waves on the shore.

b) Savor that feeling of peace and tranquility for several minutes. Use all five senses, and lose yourself. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply.

c) Tell yourself, “Every day, in every way, I am feeling better and better.” Repeat any other affirmations you want to make yourself.

4. SENSORY SUBSTITUTION – Although somewhat difficult to do, try to imagine that some other sensation has been substituted for your pain. A prickling sensation, a feeling of coolness, or whatever other feeling is comfortable for you. This technique distracts directly from your sensation of pain, and may give you significant relief.

5. MEDITATION – get into the habit of meditating for at least 15 minutes every day. This is another way to achieve relaxation, and distract your attention from your pain. You can meditate anytime, as well as in conjunction with the above routine.

a) while in a comfortable position, lying or sitting, place an imaginary object or scene that engenders a feeling of peace to you, right on your abdomen.

b) Bring your attention on this object or scene, feeling it rise or expand gently with your belly on the in-breath, and fall or recede on the out breath. Keep your focus on your breathing.

c) Every time you notice that your mind has wandered, gently bring your attention back to your belly, and the feeling of breath coming in and out.

d) Relish the feeling of being able to spend this time every day just focusing on your breath, and not having to do anything else, and the relief it gives you.

Next time you will receive a BONUS report titled.”Here’s a Positive Way to Start Your Day.”

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