Postherpetic Neuralgia Questions you Have….
Answers You Need!

QUESTION: What is the goal in this report”

1. To help you understand your problem.
2. To help you outline a strategy to follow.
3. To help you develop a plan to implement that strategy.

QUESTION: What is the difference between acute pain and chronic pain?

ANSWER: Acute pain is short lived. At most it will last about two months. When the pain has continued for three to six months or more, it has become chronic pain.

QUESTION: What is one of the biggest problems of someone with chronic pain?

ANSWER: Getting others to believe that they are in pain.

QUESTION: What almost inevitably happens to a person in chronic pain?

ANSWER: Chronic pain can convert an otherwise healthy person into an invalid. Its effect on that person is like a debilitating disease. It brings about in that person a number of physical, emotional and behavioral changes that not only adversely affect him, but also his family as well.


“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

QUESTION: What is a major “key” to coping with chronic pain, and where is a good place to start?

ANSWER: Your attitude is “key” to coping with chronic pain, and an attitude of realistic acceptance is a good place to start.

QUESTION: What does acceptance mean?

ANSWER: Acceptance means. realizing that nothing more can be done medically or surgically for the pain, and deciding to go on from there. This is the most difficult, but the most important step.

QUESTION: Now that you have taken the most difficult decision, and adopted an attitude of acceptance, what is the next logical step?

ANSWER: FAITH – this involves looking into an uncertain future, with a certain degree of confidence.

Doubt sees the obstacles
Faith sees the way.
Doubt sees the long dark night
Faith sees the day.
Doubt fears to take a step
Faith soars on high.
Doubt thunders “who believes?”
Faith answers “I.”

– author unknown

QUESTION: What steps can you take to strengthen your faith?


1. Find a church group or prayer group.
2. Listen to inspirational music daily.
3. Read inspirational literature daily. You don’t have to be religious to do this.

QUESTION: Why is it important to have an attitude of faith?

ANSWER: Because it lays the foundation for the next step, an attitude of hope.

QUESTION: What is hope?

ANSWER: HOPE is an attitude of positive expectancy. Hope gives you purpose, and purpose inspires you to set goals. Set goals for how you want to live, and determine to follow through.

QUESTION: What three areas are most important in helping you lead a normal life?

ANSWER: Your work, your recreation and your social life.

QUESTION: What is the benefit of setting a work goal?

1. It makes your life meaningful, and gives you pride in accomplishment.
2. It keeps your mind focused on activities outside of yourself, so the pain is not noticed as much.
3. It provides some income, helping you to maintain your independence and self esteem. If necessary, get in touch with a rehabilitation counselor in your area, and consider a career change.

QUESTION: What is the benefit of setting recreational goals?


1. It gives you something enjoyable to look forward to each day.
2. Being absorbed in something enjoyable, you don’t notice the pain as much.
3. Mastering a skill always gives you pride in accomplishment, and a boost to your self esteem.

QUESTION? What can social goals do to improve your quality of life?

ANSWER: Being in constant pain makes you irritable, and you have a natural tendency to withdraw from others. You need to make an effort to increase and improve your social relationships. Realize that you matter to others, and make an effort to stay in touch on a regular basis by visit, by phone, or by letter. The time spent socializing not only distracts from your pain, but it keeps you in touch with the people who are important to you.

QUESTION: What is the final step in your attitude of acceptance?

ANSWER: LOVE. Chronic pain leads to frustration, and frustration leads to anger. Redirect your anger into an attitude of love. Love of God and the things he made in nature. Love of people, and love of life. Develop an interest outside of yourself. Replace frustration and anger with love.

Next time you will find out “what other actions you can take in your quest to cope with the pain.”

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