Natural Antivirals for Post Herpetic Neuralgia

This is just my opinion, but I believe that in addition to damaged nerves, a critical factor that keeps the pain going on and on is the low-grade infection that is simmering in those nerves. I believe every attempt should be made to eradicate every vestige of virus out of your system.

Understand that this is a slow process and will take time. Plan on at least six to twelve months and in some cases maybe even longer. This is also one of the paths you must take in your journey to getting well again. These recommendations are from Stephen Harrod Buhner;s book “Herbal Antivarls.”

Here is a four-step approach that is easy to follow.

  1. Destroy the viruses by taking the following natural antivirals tinctures internally
    Chinese skullcap, Licorice and isatis in equal parts of ¼ to ½ teaspoonful 3-6 times daily. This will actually help heal the nerves of infection and prevent recurrence, but you must be consistent.

    b) Lemon balm ¼ teaspoonful 3-6 times daily. This also helps to calm your nerves and minimize recurrences.
  2. Destroy the viruses by supporting a strong immune system. Take the following tinctures
    Cordyceps, astralagus and rhodiola in equal parts, ½ teaspoonful 3 times daily
    Review the report: “How a Strong Immune System Will Help You Manage Your PHN.
  3. Destroy the viruses by rubbing on:
    Lemon balm infused oil… daily
    Pine pollen cream… daily
  4. Heal the nerves with the following tinctures:
    Chinese senega root: 30 drops 3 times daily for 30 days
    Lion’s Mane: 1 teaspoonful 2 times daily.

My experience over the years has been with the antiviral Larreastat family of products, but they are no longer available. Chapparal, the herb from which Larrea was extracted, may very well be an excellent substitute. I will continue to study it over time and share with you any helpful information as it unfolds.

Now you say… Dr. B is it really necessary to do all these things? To take all these products?

Again, we are all different and cannot predict ahead of time which product or combination of products will benefit us the most. Continue to work in Hope and Faith. Like Oliver Swett Marden said, “there is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great and no time so powerful as the expectation of something better… tomorrow!”

Consider for a moment. It’s been raining for several days and you have been stuck in your car, in the mud, on this lonely highway, for hours.

As fate, would have it, a car finally pulls up with 5 of your husky football player friends. Is it really necessary for all five of them to get out of their car and help push you out of this impossible muddy situation or would you rather one of them came out to help and the other four drove off on their merry way.

Just think about it.

Did you know that:

Six out of every ten PHN sufferers who try PainBreak, a new topical analgesic,
are getting relief… Now it’s your turn!  

But will PainBreak work for you? There is only one way to find out…

Complete the following “Quality of Life Questionnaire” and I will send you a 30 day supply of Painbreak absolutely “free” and postage paid.

From Boyce N Berkel, MD, PhD – Neuralgia Relief Center – For Your Health and Betterment