Post Herpetic Neuralgia Treatment
Isn’t it About Time You Took Control?

Make the commitment. Start your journey with the following 7 vital steps to post herpetic neuralgia treatment and start that journey today! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Determine to have a sound mind in a sound body and give yourself the best chance to Getting Well again. Nerves heal slowly, at the rate of 1mm per month. Give them the best environment to nurture that growth.


General Nutrition

An essential first step – Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. To be able to choose the proper foods, and to better understand why those foods should be supported with supplements, you need to have a clear idea of a healthy diet. Decide now to eat the right foods, eliminate the bad foods, pay attention to acid versus alkaline foods and start a sound, comprehensive nutritional supplement program. This is also an essential first step in your journey for Allodynia and Ramsey Hunt Syndrome as well.



Importance of water

Your body is 70 percent water and therefore needs water for all its functions, but be sure that this water is pure, alkaline and consumed at the proper times. An early morning glass of water will assist your body in undergoing its elimination cycle. Do not drink water with meals as this impedes digestion, instead, space water between meals throughout the day as this will facilitate proper hydration, digestion and elimination.



When working properly your immune system will not only fight off every kind of insult to your body, but also engineer the healing process. Chronic pain from Postherpetic neuralgia puts a constant drag on your immune system that requires your urgent attention and correction. Since your doctor will probably never discuss this with you, it is up to you to become the manager of your immune system. The key is to become educated and make healthy choices

(An Overlooked Essential)

The role of nutrition as therapy is not very well understood. It is therefore an overlooked part of most PHN treatment programs. First you want to avoid foods that trigger pain. For many, just eliminating caffeine will improve neuralgia. The next step is learning about pain safe foods and making them a permanent part of your diet. Finally you want to add the supplements known to facilitate the healing of nerves such as B vitamins, gamma linolenic acid and octacosanol. This is a vital step in your ongoing treatment of postherpetic neuralgia pain.

phn treatment cleansing green juice



In order to truly understand the importance of cleansing, it is important to understand the basic natural physiological cycles of the body. In addition to avoiding foods that are detrimental such as refined foods, chemical laden foods and trans-fats, you must eat foods that are naturally cleansing such as fruit, vegetables and green drinks. Green drinks not only cleanse your blood and detoxify your body, but supply your body with fast energy.


EXERCISE (a must)

The closest thing to a magic bullet for maintaining optimal health is a well, balanced combination of exercise and proper nutrition. This is also true when managing chronic pain. Often certain types of programmed exercises help reduce pain. Exercises, such as relaxation, meditation, yoga, tai chi and qi gong, and breathing exercises play a vital role. Decide to exercise every day or at least 5 days a week. Aerobic exercise produces endorphins which may reduce pain. Rebounding for 10 minutes a day can produce remarkable results.


Dr. Boyce Berkel refers to a positive mental attitude as the immune system of the mind. It is a proven fact that if you believe that you can improve your health, it will happen, but there is one caveat. Your belief must be followed by sustained action. Without action, nothing gets done. Keep in mind that adopting a Comprehensive Approach to Wellness is a long term commitment, but it is your only real hope of effectively managing and in time overcoming post neuralgia.

And now I invite you to free access of my timely reports “What Every Post Herpetic Neuralgia Sufferer Ought to Know” and introduce you to my life changing book “Post Herpetic Neuralgia – A New Approach to Getting Well Again.” You can get your instant access to both of these at

If you have not yet done so, request a free sample of Painbreak®, the topical analgesic that is bringing relief to thousands of postherpetic neuralgia sufferers.

PainBreak Free Sample for PHN or Shingles

Yes, thousands are getting relief who thought they never could…
now it’s your turn!

It is always wise to seek advice from your own health practitioner before making any major changes to your current course of treatment.

From Boyce N Berkel, MD, PhD – Neuralgia Relief Center – For Your Health and Betterment