Postherpetic Neuralgia Questions you Have….
Answers You Need!

  3 Step Strategy for  Strengthening
Your Immune System in the Face of PHN

Your immune system is the key to fighting any kind of insult to your body, including the Herpes Zoster virus that caused the shingles and its aftermath Post Herpetic Neuralgia. Your immune system is also key to maintaining sound physical health.

As you found out in previous reports, the Herpes Zoster Virus was activated by a weakening (temporary or permanent) of your immune system. Therefore, to keep the virus in check and improve your body’s chances of overcoming this problem, it is important that you build and maintain a strong immune system.

To do this, you must adopt the following 3-step strategy.

1. Reduce your exposure to immune – suppressing stresses.

2. Boost your Immune system.

3. Inhibit the growth of the Herpes viruses.

Your immune system is a marvelous mechanism, but it can only work as it should if properly cared for. This means getting all the right nutrients, providing the right environment, and avoiding those things that tend to depress immunity.

STEP 1: Reduce Your Exposure to Immune-Supressing Stresses.

Take steps to correct the factors that may be compromising your immune system. Two of the most common immune system suppressants are stress and an incorrect diet. In report # 8 above titled “Here’s a Positive Way to Start Your Day,” You found out some simple steps you could take to help you manage stress.

Below I will outline a dietary approach that could help strengthen your immune system, but first consider the following.

There are many factors in your environment that can compromise your system. The chemicals in the household cleaners you use; the overuse of antibiotics and other drugs; the antibiotics, pesticides, and untold number of additives present in the food you eat; as well as exposure to environmental pollutants. All these place a strain on your immune system. Begin now, as far as you can, to minimize or eliminate your exposure to these environmental agents.

Also do the following: a) Stop smoking. b) Avoid using alcohol. c) Avoid over eating, d) Get regular exercise. e) Avoid animal products. f) Avoid processed foods. g) Avoid sugar and Soda. h) Get sufficient sleep.

STEP 2: Boost Your Immune System

You must do everything you can to develop and maintain a strong immune system. To accomplish this, you must follow a sound nutritional program. For you, following such a program may require some lifestyle changes, but in the interest in getting control of your difficult problem, I urge you to seriously consider making those changes.

a) Supply you body with sufficient of the nutrients that promote immune function. Some of the most important are:

* VITAMIN A – 10,000 IU daily. The anti-infection vitamin. Also add the powerful anti-oxidant and immune enhancer beta-carotein.

* VITAMIN C – 5,000 – 20,000 mg daily. Should be taken with bioflavenoids, natural plant substances that enhance absorption and reinforce its action. Vitamin C may be the single most important vitamin for your immune system.

* VITAMIN E – 400 IU daily. Vitamin E interacts with vitamins A and C, and is an integral part of your body’s defense system.

ZINC – 50 mg daily. Very important for your immune system.

* MULTIVITAMIN and MINERAL COMPLEX. Use a high potency formula.

COENZYME Q10 – 100 mg daily. This is a powerful oxygen enhancer, and supports your immune system.

GREEN DRINKS – Green tea such as Kyo-green. Take as directed on the label.

* GERMANIUM – found in garlic, chlorella, and pearl barley.

LARREASTAT – 3 capsules daily. Larreastat is a powerful cell enhancer that stimulates your immune system. As you will find out below, Larrea also doubles as a potent antiviral agent.

PYCNOGENOL and/or GRAPE SEED EXTRACT. These are powerful ant-oxidants and immune system boosters. Take as directed on the label.

FIBER – begin a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably raw) plus nuts, seeds, grains and other foods high in fiber.

STEP 3: Inhibit the Growth of the Herpes Virus

There are two schools of thought as to the cause of PHN, and the reason for its unrelenting pain. One is that your nerves have been so severely damaged during the attack of shingles.

The other school of thought is that the shingles attack sets up a chronic low grade infection in the nerves that is proving to be a constant irritant. The truth may lie somewhere between these two concepts.

As stated in the June 26,2001 issue of the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter, during the World Federation of Neurology XVII World Congress , June 19, 2001 researchers reported discovering a herpes link.

The study found that herpes was the cause of neuropathy even though the telltale rash of shingles was missing. The herpes was found in samples of spinal fluid and researchers treated patients with antiviral drugs to wipe out the infection. As the virus was wiped out, their neuropathy also disappeared or was significantly reduced.

As a PHN sufferer, the chances are that you too have a persisting low grade herpes infection that may very well be prolonging your pain. The key then here is not only to limit the growth of the herpes virus, but to try and eliminate it altogether.

Larreastat is a potent plant-based anti-viral treatment that is proven effective against the herpes virus. Larreastat is made from the ancient american Larrea tridentata bush, and has been proven effective 99.7% of the time. Larreastat is available without prescription, and has no know side effects.

If you are suffering from PHN, and want to wipe the herpes virus out of your system, you may want to try Larreastat. As you found out above, scientists suspect that a part of your pain could be due to the chronic low grade herpes infection in your system. Taking Larreastat could go a long way in eliminating that aspect of your pain.

So far you have found out that Larreastat is not only a powerful immune system builder, but also a potent anti microbial that destroys the herpes virus as well.

Next time you will find out more about Larrea. What it is, where it comes from and how it works.

Did you know that:

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From Boyce N Berkel, MD, PhD – Neuralgia Relief Center – For Your Health and Betterment